SHEA TERRA Rose Hips Black Soap Deep Pore Facial Wash 4oz
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100% Super Natural. This is it, the ORIGINAL wash that started the black soap craze. Often copied but never successfully. Discover why YouTube and Facebook fans RAVE about this face wash. The world's most effective, amazing face wash! Based on an ancient African formula, using REAL African Black Soap, this wash works like microdermabrasion to get rid of dead skin, and may help even skin tone, firm skin and fight acne. Look younger in just minutes of use. South African Rose Hips Oil calms skin and works wonders on maturing skin.
Contains only: spring water, Yoruban black soap (cocoa pod ash, plaintain peel ash, palm kernels, camwood bark), certified organic sunflower oil, certified organic coconut oil, potassium hydroxide (electrocuted salts- what makes oil into soap), certified organic rose hips oil, Kalahari mineral salts